Looking back, I feel that I got to love to shoot landscape more in the past year. One of my friend once said, every photog trip is like a mini holiday to him. I think this pretty much applies to me as well especially on trips to shoot landscapes because the secenery is so refreshing and you have it all to yourself. Singapore is a place with many nice places to shoot landscapes be it during twilight hours or at night and my wish for 2009 is to explore more of them!

NUS Chinese Dance, Sep 08
At the first half of 2008, I shot a lot of events perhaps due to my more free schedule, being just freed from Army and waiting for uni. It was also the time I changed my camera to my current one and this frenzy period of shooting quite some events made me quite competent with my new camera, altho i have to say that I haven fully master it fully. Later came the later part of 2008 when uni started, shooting also declined as more focus was placed in studies. Yet, NUS also did provide some avenue for shooting like this concert I shot a few mths back.
After one whole year of event shooting, I realised that I really loved shooting stage performance. The beauty of the lights (which is also one less worry for me as flash is not allowed and you just focus more on composition) and the atmosphere is something that I really loved. The thrill of following with the rhythm of the music and following and predicting the performer's movement is smthg like playing a shooting game to me and the adrenaline rush during fast-paced scenes is simply amazing. Wish for 2009! More stage performance! I love the arts:P

Qiang Mai Portrait, May 08
I have to say that I love shooting portraits a lot as well, primarily because of the interaction that you make with your subject. Also, it may be partly because I am a very "lifestyle" person so i prefer to shoot lifestyle related stuff like people, concerts and food(next up!). 2008 was a great year of experimentation with lighting when it comes to portriats. A lot of lighting breakthroughs were made. I bought triggers, new flash and made lots of DIY light modifiers. And it's good that you have a friend who knows a lot about lighting and you can learn from. However, as school started, portrait time got less and lesser due to studies... So my wish for 2009! Find more time to make more interesting modifiers and shoot better portriats!

Turkish Delight Cheesecake, Dec 08
As most of my friends know, I love to eat! And I bake as well! So wouldn't it be nice if i can combine cooking and photography? Haha... That was what i set out to do this Dec holiday and here I present to you! Turkish Delight Cheesecake~ I particularly like this photo as it was kind of a breakthrough for me. The lighting used was newly thought out. In the past, I used mainly uniform lighting and decided to work more on arrangement of food but recently, I realised that lighting is equally important as well and thus decided to work on it:) Wish for 2009! Come up with more creative lighting for my food! And also work more on food styling, smthg that i am realli not good at:)

Black Knight Flying Past IR, Aug 08
Lastly, I decided to post this photo to wish that all my friends will pass their exams in 2009 with flying colours! That aside, I hope that my passion for photography will be like the F16s soaring high despite in the midst of other commitments:)
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