7 Aug 2009

Soccer (II)
2009 Holiday Special Part 9

Today, we will continue to look at soccer again~! However, we will be looking at the action behind the action. What do I mean by that? Sports photography is not just about capturing the adrenaline rush in action-packed shots. There is more to it...

If you frequent wired agency websites (eg. Getty Image, Reuters), you will definitely see a pletora of action-packed images. But more amazingly, the "not so action-packed" shots actually speak more about the sports and the people. You see people celebrating after a goal, the genuine smiles on their faces when their hard work payed off.

Sometimes, body language speaks a lot as well. Actions that speak of dissapointment can be more suggestive than the sad faces on the atheletes.

All these photos explore the very human nature of sports. Sometimes, to me, seeing these emotionaly stiring photos are more inspiring than seeing action-packed shots. Here, you have overexcitement in the form of slapping your teammates to tell them: "Hey, you are not dreaming! We scored!".

Here, we also do have cases when players really want to get the ball that they do weird things such as whacking their opponents. It may be coincidental, it may not be. Only the players know..

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