30 Sept 2009

Answering Your Own Questions...

This post is less about photography unlike the previous ones but I just wanna talk about some things in life. Let me tell you a short story...

About a week back, I went to meet my student mentor for a research module I was taking this sem. At some time, he asked me if I have been reading research papers and I said yes, reading the ones the prof gave us. He suddenly said something that struck me. "Your prof got those research papers to answer his own doubts, his own questions. You have to answer your own questions."

It applies to life in general, I believe. In life, everyone has their own questions and doubts at some point in time. Asking people for advice may be useful but at the end of the day, their answers may not be your answers. And in life, we tend to be bothered about things that truly dun bother us. You dun have to answer other people's questions. Even if you want to, answer your own ones first~

So.. Seek out what are the real questions in life you have and what are the real answers you are looking for...

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