Immortality? There is a new muesum special exhibit at Nat Muesum on Immortality and Egypt culture~ If ya interested in that, do go take a look~! Took quite some photos there but school is real busy! Will upload more photos!
Signing out~!
26 Jan 2010
15 Jan 2010
Simple Portrait
I loved simple portraits~ Shot with a simple background, using the simple yet good old sunlight~ Cracking some jokes to make them feel at ease and then ask them to put on a simple smile~ These four people then naturally fell in place and after shifting abit... Tata, done~
Sometimes, it's just good to do things in a fashion as simple as possible~
Less is more.
11 Jan 2010
Favourite Portriat Shoot of 2009 Part (II)
Well... As promised, Part (II)! This time round shot at Marina Barrage with a more lively theme, which truly suits the character of my gf~ ;)
Baring your feet and happily sitting on the grass~ A shot that I always wanted to shoot. The shot was first conceptualised a few years back when I visited my gf at NTU.. Her hall was next to SADM (Sch of Art Design and Media) and they had a really nice grass patch there and this shot came to my mind.. But after so many years, the picture in my mind slowly faded until I went barrage one day! And lucky me! I have shot it:)
Lastly, to end off this portriat set, I feel that what is most important after a shoot are not neccesarily the photos but making everyone happy in the shoot~
Signing out~!
10 Jan 2010
Favourite Portriat Shoot of 2009 Part (I)
Nothing beats shooting your loved ones~ My gf has always wanted a portriat shoot and tata, she has it!
The shoot was done at town area, mainly around the old supreme court. Included a lot of background in these portraits which is not my usual style of tight photos~ But well, that's the whole point of going outdoors to shoot: To have the background in! Haha...
Played around with some flash lighting as well~ Like this shot with the purple backlight and soft front light~ :)
One thing I have to say is "Sorry Dear!" I planned this shoot to be more on the emo and serious side due to the place chosen and that's totally not my dear's character so she had quite some difficulty trying to 入戏(get into the mood~).. Must have been quite tough on you =(
8 Jan 2010
2 Jan 2010
New Year Message: Let's Move on.. To a Better Future!Nonetheless, My message to all my loyal blog readers is to "Move on~!" Well, most ppl see these two words in a rather negative tone but well I don't! In photography, this concept is very important: You miss a good shot, you stop thinking about the blunder or else you miss more shots! Move on! Get a even better shot! It applies to life as well, I guess... ;)
Also, "Move on!" Even when you made great accomplishments this year! People who live in the past do not have a future. So throw away your complacency as well and work even harder this year!
Happie New Year!!
Note: Quite a few of my friend's blog are having new year blog posts so I decided to have one too! Altho I am one day late due to (1) I am still configuring my new Windows 7!; (2) I fell sick on the 31st:(